IP Lab Holds Public Sector Service Practicum Webinar

Tuesday, May 19, 2020 04:37 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Webinar on Health Sector Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic. (Photo: Special).

Malang, May 18, 2020. The Government Science Laboratory (IP Lab) has successfully held a practicum webinar for public sector service courses with "Health Sector Services in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period". This webinar presented the Chair of the UMM Hospital Task Force (UMM Hospital), dr. Thontowi Jauhari, M.Kes and a lecturer in the MK for public sector services, Drs. Jainuri, M.Si and moderated by Ali Roziqin, M.PA. The discussion, which lasted for 1.5 hours, was quite enjoyable, starting with the presentation of dr. Tommy, the familiar greeting of the UMM Hospital Task Force Chair, explained how the health service process, especially at UMM Hospital, was very different from before. This was due to COVID-19, which required health workers and infrastructure provision to be more optimal than before. Although it was initially difficult, slowly UMM Hospital was committed to providing the best facilities for the community. While Drs. Jainuri, M.Si explained that the practicum concept of public sector services is designed to make students aware of and evaluate health services provided by health service providers. Students distribute questionnaires to the community in their respective regions using specific criteria. Drs.Jainuri said that the evaluation of the questionnaire was a small part that the academic community could do to support efforts to improve health services.
