Explore Cooperation in 2018, HIMAP FISIP-UMM Conducts Working Visit to KOMAP UMY

Saturday, February 24, 2018 09:50 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

The series of HIMAP Working Visit activities started from departure on February 20 to February 22, 2018 to the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Followed by 45 HIMAP functionaries, consisting of 5 formators and 40 active members. The core activity of the 2018 HIMAP UMM Working Visit was held at the Sportarium of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 from 09.15 to 12.20 WIB. This activity is in the form of sharing work programs between KOMAP Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and HIMAP Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. The output or result that can be taken from this activity is that these two organizations can evaluate each other's performance, adapt work programs and methods that can be used for the sustainability and success of HIMAP and KOMAP.
