Malang, June 27, 2024—Aminah Asminigtyas, Commissioner of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Malang City, delivered a lecture on political party budgets to students of the Government Studies Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.
"Regarding the finances of political parties, it is regulated under Law No. 2 of 2021, Article 34, about the sources of funds. This includes member contributions, donations, and financial assistance derived from the state budget (APBN) or regional budget (APBD)," said Aminah Asminigtyas.
Students were also taught about political party financial reports, as outlined in Article 39 of Law No. 2 of 2011. This law mandates that political parties must create financial reports for auditing purposes, which include a party budget realization report, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.
It was surprising for many students to learn that the number of votes in an election directly influences the funding and budget of a political party.
The budget within a political party holds significant importance in the political system of Indonesia, as it can be used for the development of the party, allowing it to more effectively represent the interests of the people.
This lecture was well-received and appreciated by the students, as they gained knowledge about topics they had not previously learned, directly from an expert in the field.