Government and Political Analyst CoE Class presents Practitioners from BKSDM Malang City

Saturday, May 13, 2023 00:10 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Tuesday, May 9 2023. The Government and Politics Analyst Class Center of Excellence in Government Science Study Program UMM again presented practitioners from Government Agencies of the Personnel Agency and Human Resource Development Agency for Malang City, namely Mr. Dr. H. Bambang Nugroho .M.T. , M.A.P. The Learning Session was opened with the topic Implementation of Performance Management, one of the students participating in the Center of Excellence class, Thoriq Haikal, expressed his opinion about performance management which he said was carried out to achieve goals at work.

In addition to the interactive discussion, Mr. Bambang Nugroho also told about his personal experiences after graduating from college, how he got his first job and finally got a position at the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency. The Center of Excellence lecture method which tends to lean toward the technical implementation of government in Institutions and the Business World makes students participating in the Center of Excellence Government and Political Analyst Class make student knowledge more insightful.

