UMM Government Science Receives Visit from IPDN

Thursday, October 26, 2023 04:34 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, 25 October 2023. The Government Science Study Program, FISIP, University of Muhammadiyah Malang received a visit from the Institute of Domestic Government (IPDN). This visit was carried out by the IPDN Team to share information regarding the academic climate, especially the learning mechanism at the UMM Government Science Laboratory.

The activity was carried out in Room 601 GKB 1, 6th floor, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Representatives present from IPDN, namely the team of lecturers and staff concerned. Meanwhile, the UMM IP Study Program itself was present, namely: Head of Study Program, Secretary of Study Program, Head of Laboratory and lecturer representatives.

IPDN explained that the visit to the UMM Government Science Study Program was related to IPDN's agenda to develop the study program laboratory as a center for knowledge and science.

"Hopefully this visit can provide us with input, as we know that the UMM Government Science Study Program has received superior accreditation, so that it can provide suggestions for laboratories equivalent to institutes, we really need input and sharing for the Government Laboratory," said the lecturer IPDN.

Apart from that, IPDN also said that the insights obtained from the UMM Government Science Study Program would later be developed and used as a model.

"The knowledge we gain here will later be developed at IPDN. "Apart from that, we will also increase student literacy there," concluded the IPDN lecturer. (van/roz)
