On March 2-3, 2024, the Public Administration Student Association (HIMAP) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held an Upgrading event with the theme "Building Solidarity to Achieve Progressive Performance and Loyalty in the Association." The event aimed to foster solidarity among members and provide broad perspectives on the work programs of each division within the Association. The Upgrading activities took place in an open space at Bumi Perkemahan Bedengan, Selorejo. The event was attended by all members of HIMAP UMM, as well as 10 lecturers, including 8 from the Public Administration Study Program and 2 guest speakers: Mrs. Fida Pagesti, S.Pd., M.A., a lecturer from the Psychology Study Program, and Mr. Ahmad Sulaiman, S.Psi., M.Ed., from the Indonesian Language Education Study Program.
Mrs. Fida Pagesti, S.Pd., M.A., who presented the material "Enhancing Creativity and Managerial Skills to Achieve Organizational Harmony," explained that "In the context of an organization, the lack of interest in joining an organization is due to both internal and external factors. There are four pillars in an organization: planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. The trend in shaping an organization's identity can be seen in students who are not involved in organizations. The key to success is within each member, and the organizational culture should be based on communication and personal approach."
Next, Mr. Ahmad Sulaiman, S.Psi., M.Ed., presented the material "Enhancing Integrity and Personal Development," stating that "The future is full of possibilities, and communication is the most important skill in college. Do not judge people based on their current identity."
The Upgrading event was not only focused on the delivery of materials but also included several activities such as art performances, morning exercise, and outbound activities. These activities were designed to build solidarity among HIMAP members and enhance their organizational performance.