Focus on Scientific Work, IP Study Program Wins First Rank at National Performance Level SINTA Publications

Wednesday, April 13, 2022 10:11 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

IP of UMM as Predicate of First Rank in National Level of SINTA Publication Performance. (Photo: Special)

The good and proud news was again achieved by the entire big family of Government Science (IP) UMM Malang. In this holy month of Ramadan, UMM IP Study Program won first place (1) regarding Publication Performance for the Undergraduate Category 1 in Government Science in Indonesia in 2022 based on the rankingScience and Technology Index(SINTA). UMM IP Study Program got the highest score Overall Score:3.542 and SINTA Score 3Yr: 2,441 outperformed all other Government Science study programs in Indonesia.

Sinta itself is an online scientific website or portal managed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology that records the number of publications of each institution. The Sinta score of the study program is the result of the accumulation of publications and citations of lecturers and students recorded on Scopus, Garuda, Google Scholar, and WoS. This figure records the publication's performance for the last 3 years which shows the extraordinary progress of the Government Science study program so that it gets the best national title.

The IP value of UMM as the First Rank in the National Level of SINTA Publication Performance. (Photo: Special)

Of course, the UMM IP study program is very grateful for this. This achievement is the fruit of hard work, and sincere and collaborative work and through a long process, it becomes one of the most beautiful gifts in this month of Ramadan. This expression was conveyed by Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA. "We are very focused on encouraging lecturers and students to have a lot of scientific publications". UMM IP lecturers have a very high passion for writing. That is also what is transmitted to students, for example, the external obligations of the course are directed to scientific publications, especially journals and proceedings. There is a collaboration between students and lecturers so that the process of working on scientific articles becomes more focused because students are directly accompanied by lecturers, "said Kamil.

Kamil also added that to increase students' interest and motivation in writing scientific papers, there are advantages in the form of conversions to courses and thesis. “Alhamdulillah, more than 40 student journal articles have been converted as substitutes for theses. It is spread in SINTA 2 and 3 accredited national journals, Scopus indexed proceedings, international journals, and reputable international journals. "That's one of the things that motivates students to be very enthusiastic in working on scientific articles," added Kamil.

High appreciation was also conveyed by Prof. Dr. Muslimin Machmud, M.Si as the Dean of FISP UMM. “Congratulations on the extraordinary and proud achievement of Government Science. This is thanks to the hard work of the Head of Study Program, Sekprodi, all lecturers and students of government science. Hopefully, this will inspire other study programs at FISIP UMM to follow in the good footsteps of this IP study program,” concluded Muslimin.
