Interactive Learning Features Ala Center Of Excellent UMM IP Study Program

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 22:10 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, March 14, 2023. The UMM Government Science Study Program again held a Guest Lecture in the Center of Excellence (CoE) program or the Government and Political Analyst superior class. In this guest lecture, Government Science Study Program presented Mr. Akil Fitra Sholakodin, S.Pd. M.Sc. as the Research Manager of PT. SMARTID.

On the occasion of the guest lecture, students were given new insights with the learning theme "Problem Determination and Assessment Criteria" and "Alternative Policies". Mr. Akil as a teacher creates pleasant lecture conditions with new insights about Policy Analysis. Not only that, students are also given flexibility with the discussion learning model during lectures.

In addition to lectures that refer to superior themes, there are sharing sessions from presenters while working in the Private Sector related to Policy Analysis. This received a positive response from students, because the learning model is not only in the form of theory but also based on the experience of the presenters. In addition to the fun learning model that students feel, the output or assignments given are also very different from lectures in general. Students are asked to look for a problem regarding public policy, then describe the points of the problem to find a solution to the problem. This can simultaneously hone creativity in the form of interactive assignments such as posters and policy papers.

It is hoped that with the Center of Excellence (CoE) Government and Politics Analyst class held by the UMM Government Science Study Program, students can gain new knowledge from the speakers who fill in the guest lecture.
