Thursday, August 01, 2013 13:30 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

For four consecutive years, Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si., successfully passed the selection process for research funded by the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI). In 2009, she was selected for the competitive grant research program, in 2010 for the continuation of the competitive grant research, in 2011 for DIKTI's fundamental research selection, and in 2012 for the continuation of fundamental research. These achievements did not come easily but required struggle and hard work. In September 2011, this mother of three was invited by DIKTI to present the final report of her 2011 fundamental research program. The report was highly praised, leading DIKTI to grant her the opportunity for a continuation of the fundamental research program in 2012 with the title Elaboration of the Citizen Control Model in the Politics of Urban Spatial Policy in Malang. This title was considered compelling as it addressed a global issue relevant to public interest. Additionally, environmental issues remain a significant topic of serious discussion in the international arena.

The keys to passing DIKTI-level research selections are as follows:

  1. Reading and understanding the research guidelines set by DIKTI.
  2. Adhering to the existing rules.
  3. Addressing and researching intriguing issues relevant to one's field of expertise.
  4. Preparing proposals using proper and correct Indonesian.
  5. Consulting frequently with partners who have successfully passed DIKTI-level selections.
  6. Persistently trying.
  7. Never giving up.
  8. Working hard.
  9. Being meticulous.
  10. Praying.

These ten keys are considered essential for achieving success in research programs.
