Wednesday, 11/04/2018, at the Auditorium of Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, North Sulawesi, three lecturers of the Government Affairs and Administration Study Program successfully participated in a series of events organized by the Association of Indonesian Government Science Lecturers (ADIPSI). The series of activities lasted for three days, starting from Wednesday, 11/04/2018, to Friday, 13/04/2018. The first day was an International Conference discussing the theme of "Demanding Governance Accountability and Promoting Democratic Leadership for Public Welfare Achievement". Attended by Government Science lecturers from all over Indonesia who are members of ADIPSI. In the event, lecturers of the Government Affairs and Administration Study Program, namely, Hevi Kurnia Hardini S.IP, MA.Gov, Muhammad Kamil, S.IP, MA, and Listiana Asworo, S.IP, MA had the opportunity to present their respective research findings. Lecturer Hevi presented his research on “Government Strategic Collaborative Partnership in Tourism Affairs: Study in Malang and Batu City Government”, Lecturer Kamil presented his research results on “Environmental Politics: Model of Network Governance Policy in Water Resources Management and Conservation in Batu, East Java”, and Lecturer Listiana explained about “A New Strategy for Deepening Democracy: Critical Review of The Existence PSI As The Form of The Populist-Millennial Generation Political Party. On the second day, the three IP lecturers attended the National Seminar on Village Governance to Realize People's Welfare, which was continued by attending a Workshop on Writing International Journals. On the third day, the lecturers were invited to learn about the culture and uniqueness of Manado, North Sulawesi.