The Autonomy Award which was held for the fourth time by the Malang City Government again appointed the Government Science Study Program Lecturers as the Jury Team in assessing the Evaluation and Development of the Village in 2018. Government Science Study Program lecturers who were invited by the City Government of Malang were Drs. Krishno Hadi, MA and Mrs. Hevi Kurnia Hardini, S.IP, MA.Gov, experts in the field of Regional Government. The Autonomy Award competition itself is an event to find outstanding villages and sub-districts that are demonstrated by achievements in innovation, creativity and community empowerment.
For two full weeks, the Jury Team traveled around the villages, blusukan, to directly review all the developments that had been made by the villages. There are three areas that are the basis for the assessment of the Jury Team, including first, the Government Sector to measure administrative services, archiving governance, synergy and consolidation with work partners, and so on.Second, the Community sector which is a parameter for how the village and all related elements work together in developing the Village. And the third, is the Territorial field, which captures the Kelurahan's preparedness in dealing with potential hazards and disasters. All of these assessment indicators are the basis for determining which urban villages are worthy of representing the City of Malang at the provincial level.
Interestingly, all urban villages in Malang City have exceeded the standards of Permendagri 81/2015 on Evaluation of Village Administration. So, for Malang City the standards used to assess must be improved again. This was conveyed by Lecturer Krishno Hadi, “Malang City should improve the assessment standards, because it is certain that all urban villages in Malang City are included in the Permendagri 81/2015 standard,” he said on the sidelines of the plenary meeting at City Hall (Wednesday, 2/5). The 2018 Otonomi Awards were attended by 53 villages out of a total of 57 villages in Malang City. Four villages that have won the Autonomy Award in the previous year are not allowed to participate again this year. The hope is to provide opportunities for those who have not become champions.