UMM IP Lecturer Successfully Passed Doctoral Degree at UMY

Friday, February 05, 2021 10:20 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Salahudin IP Lecturer UMM Graduated from UMY Doctoral Program. (Photo: Special)

Yogyakarta, January 21, 2021. UMM IP Lecturer, Salahudin, M. Si., M.PA succeeded in conducting closed-door doctoral exams with the Dissertation Analysis of Political Networks of Corruption Practices in Regional Financial Management in Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City" in front of the test team. The test team consists of Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc, Prof. Dr. Sjafri Sairin, M.A., Dr. Trisno Raharjo, M. Hum, Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, M.Sc., Dr. Zuly Qodir, M.Ag., Dr. Hasse J., M.A, and Dr. Mega Hidayati, M.A (Chairman of the Session).

Pak Udin, his nickname, explained the formation of political networks of corrupt practices in Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City related to the use of domination politics and politics of influence in regional financial management. There are several roles of actors in the formation of political networks of corrupt practices including, determining policies (approving policy), using and providing political access (political access), carrying out the role of political brokers (political brokers), promoting political lobbies, and set the agenda (setting the agenda).

He also described a political network of corrupt practices in Malang Regency and Malang City as a network of political clientelism, elite capture, and cartel politics. Meanwhile, the political network of corrupt practices in Batu City is only related to the elite capture network. Therefore, political networks in elite capture influence corrupt practices in Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City. This occurs in political corruption, policy manipulation, political co-optation, political domination, and bribery practices. The results of this dissertation have also been successfully published in several reputable international scientific journals.
