Discussion of Local Politics and Young Voters' Preferences, Lab IP and LHKP East Java Collaborate to Hold Scientific Discussions

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 01:16 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, August 19, 2023. Facing the atmosphere of the political year, namely the 2024 Election, which is already in sight, the UMM Government Science Laboratory released survey results wrapped in discussion activities to discuss local political dynamics, especially in the Batu City and Malang City areas. This activity was a collaboration between the UMM Government Science Laboratory and the Muhammadiyah East Java Wisdom and Public Policy Institute (LHKP).

The perspective of young voters is the focus of local political discussion this time, where the data obtained is the result of a survey of young voter preferences that has been conducted by UMM Government Science Study Program students through practicum courses on Indonesian Party and Election System (SKPI), then the survey results data are processed directly by the Laboratory Team. The survey itself was conducted in villages and sub-districts in the Batu City and Malang City areas.

The target of the survey is young voters with an age range of 15-39 years, because this age will dominate the number of votes in the 2024 election with a percentage of around 54% of the total voters. Thus, the release of the results of this survey can certainly provide an illustration regarding local political conditions, especially regarding the preferences of young voters in the Batu City and Malang City areas.

The survey results show that the majority of young voters in the Batu City and Malang City areas will vote for a leader candidate who is assertive and comes from a political party that has previously been known to each individual. In addition, young voters also tend to expect assistance/capital/scholarships/basic necessities when prospective candidates come to visit their area. Most of these young voters already know their status as registered voter candidates.

The activity of releasing survey results as well as local political discussion forums became a real step from the UMM Government Science Laboratory in practicing the Muhammadiyah Higher Education's Catur Dharma. In addition, in order to provide information to the public and relevant stakeholders regarding the preferences of young voters in the 2024 general election. (van/roz)
