Malang, June 7, 2024—The Government Studies Student Association held a discussion session through the Political Discussion forum, which was attended by students from the 2023 batch of the Government Studies program. The event aimed to enhance student participation in the political process, ensure that public interests are represented through public policy, and strengthen democracy.
The theme discussed in this session was "The Existence of Pancasila Values and the Weakness of Pancasila Ideology in the Digital Era." This theme was chosen to provide insights into the relevance of Pancasila values in today’s digital life.v
The advancement of technology and the digital era, which are sweeping across the world, have brought significant changes to society. Among these changes are the decline of the nation's ancestral values and the erosion of empathy and concern for others.
"The five principles of Pancasila, with the first principle as the foundation, should be able to control human desires. The important thing about Pancasila is that no one is purely 'Pancasilaist.' Each principle, from the first to the fifth, is sacred. The understanding of each principle is not just textual, but also about how it is implemented in daily life. Pancasila is still relevant, so it’s not Pancasila that is wrong, but rather human behavior. The government must focus on digital infrastructure that prioritizes teaching these fundamental values. Pancasila is not an ideology, buta philosophy," explained Muhammad Isyardi, the discussion facilitator.
Through this discussion forum, students presented arguments and concluded that the five principles of Pancasila are highly reflected in everyday life. While the current digital era and technological advancements have brought about significant changes, particularly in terms of easy access to information, the use of technology can have a positive impact on strengthening Pancasila through training in digital ethics, digital security, and digital culture.