Studying the State Civil Apparatus Management System, UMM IP Study Program Presents Practitioners from the State Civil Service Agency

Monday, May 08, 2023 01:23 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, May 5, 2023. A practitioner's lecture discussing the topic "Management of the State Civil Apparatus" was held by the UMM IP Study Program in the Center of Excellence (CoE) program or the superior class on the Political Government Analyst specification. This guest lecture activity was carried out online via Zoom Meeting which was attended by 24 students. The presenters were practitioners who had expertise in analyzing HR management for ASN, namely experts who served as First Expert Apparatus Human Resources Analysts at the National Civil Service Agency's (BKN) Functional Personnel Development Center. His name is Mr. Dimas Anugrah Dwi Saputra.

On the occasion of the guest lecture, Mr. Dimas as the speaker and practitioner delivered material on ASN management with a merit system approach consisting of 3 main aspects, namely: qualifications, competence and performance. Then, the speaker also discussed the objectives, strategies and activities in ASN HR management which must be in line with the main mission of the government organization concerned. During the sharing session, students were very enthusiastic about asking questions and discussing them with the presenters. The majority of questions asked were related to the recruitment process and qualifications for the upcoming CPNS registration. Thus, students not only gain knowledge theoretically, but also practically. Therefore, this guest lecture is very important for Government Science Study Program students who will later be prepared to become competent and professional State Civil Apparatuses.
