Learning to Compile Data Types/Elements with Directorate General of Regional Development

Thursday, August 01, 2019 08:38 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Learning to Compile Data Types/Elements with Directorate General of Regional Development

The development of the 4.0 industrial revolution and the internet of things had a considerable impact in the world of government. If previously data and information were only owned by the government, but now data and information must also be accessible for stakeholders and the community. The development of online big data so the community can access data quickly, accurately, effectively and efficiently.

To improve the quality of data type/element supply, Directorate General of Regional Development will conduct activities to prepare data types/elements. This activity is intended to meet the needs of the government, stakeholders or the community will be available integrated, accurate, measurable and makes it easier for the government to plan, evaluate and take policies. Data availability is quite serious, because data is needed as a guide or reference in formulating or taking public policy.

The activity was held at the AONE Hotel Jakarta on July 31, 2019 and was carried out continuously by Directorate General of Regional Development with a commitment to oversee development planning especially in the regions. This activity was opened by the Head of Sub-Department of Communication, Information, Statistics and Encoding. The event was followed by Ministry, Institute, and one of the Government Science Students Nafahatir Ridwani Amin Dhana who is currently carrying out a government research internship program at Directorate General of Regional Development.
