Wednesday, 03/21/18, at the Engineering Hall, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, HIMAP in collaboration with the IP Study Program held an Alumni Talk event. This activity is one form of epistemic community, namely promoting scientific discussions within students. The event which took the theme “Challenges and Opportunities for Government Science Students in the Era of Globalization and Democracy” presented an outstanding alumni of the IP Study Program, Mohammad Ilham, S.IP, who is now successful in a career in journalism. The discussion that lasted for 3 hours was enthusiastically followed by IP Study Program students. The point to be explained by the speaker is how Government Science students must be able to compete in the midst of globalization and democracy by strengthening student competence and capacity, such as strengthening English soft skills. He also said that as students must have the determination and sincerity to gain knowledge so that their future can be more successful and great in any field.