Proud, the IP Study Program Achieved the Dekan's Awards in the Fisiphoria Cup 3.0

Friday, July 14, 2023 09:43 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang – 01/07/2023 The UMM Government Science Study Program won 3rd place in the student competition event for the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences FISIPHORIA 3.0. The FISIP Dean Cup became an annual series held by BEM FISIP UMM as a form of honing the interests and talents of UMM Faculty of Social and Political Science students. Organizing the FISIP Dean Cup this year, the Government Science Study Program received a final point calculation of 215 PTS from all the competitions it participated in. This is of course a proud achievement for the achievements of Government Science students who have tried to bring the name of the Government Science Study Program in every competition.

The entire series of competitions was attended by students of government science where they had prepared everything in advance. In this year's event, the Government Science Study Program succeeded in winning first place in several fields of competitions such as Men's Futsal, Volleyball, Men's Recitation and Tartil as well as other competitions which did not lose in their achievements. The achievements that have been achieved by the Government Science Students also received direction and support, especially from the Government Science Study Program and the Government Science Student Association in preparation for the competition.

Hardianto Dany Saputra as one of the participants who took part in several competitions in the UMM FISIP Dean Cup series said that "This Dean Cup title is an event for the purpose of being a form of expression related to the interests and talents of UMM FISIP Students, the preparation is also not easy. The participants prepared everything assisted by HIMAP's directions for each field of the competition. We were assisted starting from the selection process, administration as well as assistance and direction during training. And thank God, everyone is trying with one of the goals to bring the name of Government Science Study Program.

It was an extraordinary achievement and preparation from the beginning to the Awarding process which was held on Saturday, 01 July 2023 yesterday. It is hoped that in addition to learning academically in class, students of Government Science can also develop their non-academic side in the form of interests and talents. Congratulations to the Government Science Students for their participation and achievements in the 2023 Dean's Cup activities.
