Sharpening Student Critical Power, IP Study Program Holds Opinion Writing Training

Sunday, April 02, 2023 20:40 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, March 18, 2023. The Government Science Study Program Student Association (HIMAP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) collaborated with the Government Science Research and Writing Love Institute (PERS-IP) to hold a Student Opinion Writing Training activity with the theme "Arousing Student Reasoning and Critical in Writing to Maintain Values ​​in a University and Social Environment”. This activity began at 09.30 WIB and was attended by students of the Government Science study program for the 2022 class to fulfill the assignment for the "National Government" course with the supporting lecturer Mr. Ach. Apriyanto Romadhan, S.IP., M.Sc. The Chief Executive of this activity was Fahmi Widianto from the Education and Reasoning Division of HIMAP UMM who was also a 2022 class year student. This activity was crucially intended to broaden students' insights in opinion writing, as a means and media to be able to optimize students' writing potential. The presenter, namely Mr. Mochamad Aan Sugiharto, M.Sosio provided provision regarding opinion writing, starting from the suitability of the theme, the importance of making a framework for beginners, and also the importance of understanding the rules for writing opinions that will become public consumption. This means that "every opinion that is written, is not an idea that is careless and without respecting or reducing the existence of freedom of opinion". Each sub of the authorship of the opinion is explained based on case examples so that students more easily understand the intent of the theory presented. In addition, the speaker also gave examples of published lecturer opinions.

Furthermore, discussions were held between students and presenters regarding strategies for writing good and correct opinions. In the last session, students were directed to practice forming a minimum opinion to determine the title and theme in the last 10 minutes by the speaker. The following are several titles that were used as examples of student opinion studies, such as the title "Reject a Closed Proportional System?" and "Building the Value of Integrity of Indonesian Youth Gold 2045". From the several opinions taken, the presenters also provided several revisions, starting from the editorial words used, how the standard number of paragraphs is, and the good opinion writing and strategy in determining opinion titles. Then the presenters also provide several ways or steps in publishing opinions in print media and online on websites such as Kumparan, JawaPos, Radar Malang, etc. The Student Opinion Writing Training activity on this occasion was considered a success because of the enthusiasm of the students, there were 85 students or the percentage reached 90% of the total participants. Exactly at 11.15 WIB this activity was ended and closed by the presentation of certificates by the chief executive to the presenters.
