Tuesday, May 7, 2024 – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) held its Period II graduation ceremony at the BAU Auditorium, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The event was attended by the Dean of FISIP, Vice Dean 1, Vice Dean 2, Heads of the Public Administration, Communication Science, International Relations, Social Welfare, and Sociology Departments, as well as faculty representatives from all FISIP programs and invited guests.
In his speech, the Dean of FISIP, Prof. Dr. Muslimin Machmud, M.Si., stated, “This morning, on behalf of the leadership of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, we officially release you, with congratulations and thanks for the collaboration and dedication in completing your academic tasks to the best of your ability.” He also gave a message to the graduates: “Continue to enhance your skills so you can be beneficial and competitive in the workforce. Always think creatively, innovatively, and be eager to progress. Additionally, develop the ability to collaborate, communicate, and speak effectively.”
According to the decision letter Number E.6.l/303/FISIP/UMM/III/2024, presented by Vice Dean 1 of FISIP UMM, Mr. Najamuddin Khairur Rijal, S.IP., M.Hub.Int., a total of 34 students from the Public Administration program participated in the Period II graduation ceremony. They were declared graduates and entitled to the title of Bachelor of Public Administration (S.IP).
Among the 34 graduates from the Public Administration program at the Period II graduation of FISIP UMM, there were three top graduates. The top graduate award was presented to Nurmayanda with a GPA of 3.92 and a total of 159 credits. The second top graduate was Azena Firyal Yusandhi with a GPA of 3.92 and 155 credits. The third top graduate was Tut Wuri Handayani with a GPA of 3.89 and 159 credits.
We would like to congratulate and wish success to the 34 students of the Public Administration program who participated in the Period II graduation of FISIP. We hope the knowledge gained will benefit everyone. For those still striving, may this serve as motivation to stay enthusiastic and never give up.