Yudisium FISIP, IP UMM Achieves Many Achievements

Thursday, September 08, 2022 01:37 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at the Joint Lecture Building Hall on the 9th floor of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, FISIP carried out the Judicial Period III 2022 smoothly. It was carried out offline by practicing strict health protocols, it was recorded that there were 124 students of the UMM Government Science Study Program (IP) who took part in the graduation. This number is the highest compared to other study programs and also the highest in the history of the UMM IP Judiciary.

This success is inseparable from the hard work, sincerity and collaboration of all lecturers, staff and students of IP UMM. Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA as the Head of IP Study Program said that many factors supported this success. First, the scheme for converting scientific articles in the form of national journals at least SINTA 3 and reputable international journals and proceedings indexed by Scopus and Wos. "So far, 120 students have graduated with the scheme," said Kamil. Second, the hard work of lecturers and students to realize On Time Graduation (KTW). One of the conditions for maintaining excellent accreditation is the student KTW, thank God the class of 2018 has met the graduation ratio," said Kamil.

3 Best Graduates of UMM IP Study Program. (photo by: Hendra)

One of the interesting things is that all the best graduates of IP Study Program are activists, namely Wiebi Winarto, Anggi Ariansyah and Zendita Alfion. This sweet score repeats the successes of the previous best graduates who are also activists. Wiebi Winarto, who was the first best graduate with a GPA of 3.97, was an active cadre of the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) UMM Malang. Wibi, his nickname, has also been the chairman of BEM FISIP UMM for the 2020-2021 period. In addition, Wibi also received the title of the best presenter at the 2020 AIPPTM National Symposium. Wibi was also listed as the second best graduate of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences for this period.

Anggi Ariansyahwho graduated with a GPA of 3.94 are also active in many organizations. Anggi has been active in the Government Sciences Student Association (HIMAP) 2020-2021. In addition, currently Anggi is also active as a companion inpersonality and leadership formation (P2KK) UMM Malang. Meanwhile, Zendita Alfion, who graduated with a 3.93 GPA, also has very dense organizational activities. In addition to being listed as active cadres of the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) UMM Malang, the HIMAP 2020-2021 Management is also listed as Batu City People as the general chairman of 2022-2024, Facilitator of the Batu City student forum 2020-2021, Chair of the Sumbergondo Village Children's Forum 2016- 2021, Deputy Chairperson of PIK-Remaja Sumbergondo Village 2020-2022, SENAT Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Commission A 2020-2021 and Management of Sumbergondo Tourism Village 2019-2023.

All three share the key to success. According to them, the organization does not interfere with college, it is very supportive. College era is a means of forming identity, emotional maturity, strengthening self-management skills and building relationships. All of that can be found in the organization. Organization for them is an investment in the form of social capital formation that is very supportive of future success. The key is time management.
