IP Volleyball Team Wins 1st Place in Dean Cup Fisiphoria 3.0

Monday, May 08, 2023 02:26 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang – 7/5/2023 The Volleyball Team of the Government Science Study Program won 1st place in the 2023 FISIP FISIP Dean's CUP Fisiphoria 3.0 competition. This is the first title won in the last 3 years in the volleyball branch. It should be noted that the CUP Dean event is an event to fulfill the interests and talents of UMM FISIP students to be developed at the University level in the CUP Chancellor.

This achievement is the result of a long process that has been carried out by the team to prepare for the match long ago. ready to champions is a slogan that will always be held by students majoring in government science at the Muhammadiyah University of Malang. In the news of this volleyball competition, there are various parties involved in forming a strong team, both in terms of playing techniques and with quite good mental preparation. Starting from manager Henry Hilmawan Wibowo, official Vandha Eka Cahyaningtyas, and team captain Galang Raga Sitandang. And the members of the government science volleyball team started from Muhammad Galang Nabil Prayoga, M. Yuniarhadi Satriawan, Ramanda Edwar Tri Kusuma, Saiful Anwar, Hardianto Dany Saputra, Putri Indah Maharani, Dora Trisukmawati, Yeni Melani, Lira Vita Anatasya. The struggle of the government science volleyball team began. On May 6, at exactly 20.00, the government science department faced a quite difficult opponent in the volleyball match against the sociology department. But the government science team managed to win the initial match and won the match with 2 rounds at once. So that the government science department continues in the next round as well as the final round. On Sunday, May 7, at exactly 20.00 against the international relations department. The competition was very fierce, even in the early rounds, the government department was quite far behind. So that in the next round the government science department managed to raise the mentality of the champion and at the same time wiped out the remaining 3 rounds. So that the government science department won 1st place in the Dean's Cup Volleyball competition this year. Team manager, Henry Hilmawan Wibowo.

Said that players must remain focused on the match on the field and this is not an individual matter but we carry the name of the government science department in our chest and allhamdullilah we won 1st place in this year's Dean Cup Volleyball match. and representatives of the Galang Raga Sitandang team captain "allhamdullilah our struggle from the start even the preparations were not in vain and on the field we really became one team and allhamdullilah we won".
