Azhari, a simple and memorable name, is a student of Government Science at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UMM. Azhari is known as an activist in both intra and extra-campus organizations. This student from Aceh is active in NGOs and various organizations. From 2009 to 2010, he served as the second chair of PMII UMM and Minister of Domestic Affairs at BEM Universitas, as well as the General Chair of the Aceh Student Youth Association (IPPMA) Malang (2010-2011), and the General Chair of the Solidarity Institute from 2007 to 2009. Furthermore, Azhari is actively involved in advocacy activities, particularly in education. In 2010, he facilitated a meeting between the Bireuen Government in Aceh Province and Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang through Pak Suparto M. Pd., the Head of UMM's Cooperation Division.
While serving as the General Chair of IPPMA, Azhari carried out advocacy through a film about education in former conflict areas in North Aceh, titled "Menjemput Ilmu dalam Sarang Peluru" ("Seeking Knowledge in the Bullet Nest"), directed by Jamaluddin Phonna. In this film, he served as Assistant Director and Location Manager. Alhamdulillah, the film won third place in the National Education Film Category. In 2011, Azhari created another film titled "Garamku Tak Asin Lagi" ("My Salt Is No Longer Salty") in Bireuen District, alongside his friend Jamaluddin Phonna, a Communication Science student at UMM. Both of them served as directors. The film, funded by Metro TV as part of the Eagle Awards 2011 program, won first place for Best Film in the Jury's category.
Azhari has a strong desire to establish a democracy institution that focuses on the grassroots level, such as in villages and sub-districts. According to Azhari, the community must be educated and truly understand how democracy should be implemented. He believes that democracy cannot work effectively if people are unaware of their roles and rights. For Azhari, democracy will be a utopia if the people do not know their position.