Step by step, Governmental Science Department Is Toward Internationalization

Thursday, March 05, 2020 05:40 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Sona Minasyan in a presentation session. (Photo: Special)

Malang, March 5, 2020. In order to realize the internationalization of the UMM Government Science Study Program continues to make efforts. One of them is presenting international lecturers. In public sector service courses, students are taught by Sona Minasyan, M.A. Sona, her nickname, said that she was very happy to be able to share and teach at the Government Study Program. The citizens of the Armenian nationality are always energetic and enthusiastic in providing material to students. The students were also very interested and enjoyed every discussion conducted in the class. They can also apply their speaking skills in class because the introduction in this course uses English.
