IP Study Program Strengthens Methodology in Government Science Research

Thursday, August 13, 2020 09:51 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Webinar Information Understanding Government and Political Science Methodology. (Photo: Special)

Malang, August 13, 2020. To strengthen the methodological framework in completing the final project, the Government Science Study Program through the Government Science Laboratory held a webinar with "Understanding Government and Political Science Methodology". This activity was guided directly by Mr. Iradhat Taqwa Sihidi, S.IP., MA with Khrishno Hadi, MA as the speaker. Mr. Khris as he is called, explains how important the method is in conducting research, this is a logical consequence of the theory we choose in the study. This method is used to see social phenomena around us and is used as an interesting topic in research.

Furthermore, in methodological thinking, especially in social science, there is no value-free, meaning that social science cannot be separated from environmental factors around us. In addition, it is also essential to determine the focus of the problem to be discussed and the starting point in conducting research. Finally, he advised reading contextual phenomena and theories to support the research being carried out.
