Strengthen Solidity, HIMAP holds Friendship Night

Sunday, March 13, 2022 00:27 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Achmad Apriyanto Romadhan with Makrab Participants. (Photo: Special)

A healthy organization should highlight family ties. It was this spirit that prompted, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (HIMAP) Government Science Student Association (HIMAP UMM) in the Nawasena Cabinet to hold a MAKRAB (Malang Keakraban) event with the theme "Maintaining Familiarity, Uniting Differences". This happy activity was held in Vila Batu on Friday (11/03) and Saturday (12/03) which was attended by all HIMAP UMM administrators for the 2022 period. This activity was carried out to establish intimacy with each other and get to know members of the fields in HIMAP, sharing experiences with previous HIMAP management. All of this is done as a provision in carrying out HIMAP activities for the next period so that they run smoothly.

Ah. Apriyanto Romadhan, S.IP., M.Si as Secretary of UMM IP Study Program who was also present at the opening of the activity greatly appreciated the positive implementation of this activity. Apriyanto said that the main key to the success of the organization is solidarity and cooperation. This can only be realized if it is supported by a family spirit. "Makrab like this is very useful in fostering a spirit of kinship within HIMAP, by understanding each other and helping the implementation of HIMAP's work programs in the future," said Apriyanto. For Apriyanto, HIMAP, which has been running very well so far, is partly due to the strong cohesiveness and cooperation of all the Management.

Photo with Makrab Participants. (Photo: Special)

The Elected General Chair of HIMAP, M. Salman Jabbar added that this series of Makrab activities were aimed at strengthening the bond of mutual belonging in HIMAP. Therefore, activities that are fun but very effective in strengthening organizational solidity are carried out. Like Ice Breaking with Bergama games in it and BBQ together and art performances. "Hopefully this activity will be a good start for the success of HIMAP in the future," closed Salman.

With this Makrab activity, it is hoped that it can make a point where each other from UMM HIMAP members can get to know each other more deeply, besides that it can also be used as a lesson for what will be like to carry out the obligations and responsibilities that have been carried out in the management. NAWASENA Cabinet to be more active, contributing, and solutive. As well as being able to unite feelings among members and ignite hope in oneself in carrying out each of their duties and obligations.
