Strengthening Student Leadership Capacity, HIMAP Holds Government Leadership Training (LKP)

Thursday, March 24, 2022 09:32 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Rifai in his opening remarks for LKP. (Photo: Apriyanto)

Government Science students are always expected and encouraged to become future leaders. This spirit is the basis for the Government Science Student Association (HIMAP) of the Nawasena Cabinet to hold a Government Leadership Exercise (LKP), on March 24-26 2022. This activity was attended by 165 students of the Class of 2020 and was held at Dodikjur Rindam V/Brawijaya Malang City. By taking the theme 'Ignite Millennials Leadership For Society 5.0', the activity which was originally carried out in 2020 but was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic was intended to shape the mental and leadership character of students who became one of the distinctive characteristics of UMM Malang Government Science students.

The activity was officially opened by the Head of UMM IP Study Program, Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA. In the event which was also attended by UMM IP lecturers, Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Rifai S.AP., M.AP as Commander of the Vocational Education Depot Dodikjur Rindam V Brawijaya and all participants, Kamil emphasized that activities like this aim to shape the character and mentality of students so that they become tougher. "IP Study Program fully supports this activity because the benefits are very good for students and it has been proven, in the future it will be attempted to be carried out for 6-7 days so that the process of internalizing leadership values ​​is more effective," explained Kamil.

The same thing was conveyed by Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Rifai S.AP., M.AP, and Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Sc. In his speech, Muhammad Rifai emphasized that for 3 days students will be educated and directed to become future leaders who hold fast to discipline and trust. This LKP is very good and appropriate momentum to prepare future leaders and the younger generation who are able to create a civil society that, of course, respects the law. "It is hoped that students after this activity will have mental and character changes for the better," said Rifai.

Muhammad Kamil in the LKP Participant Embedding Procession. (Photo: Apriyanto)

Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si as a senior lecturer left a lot of advice in his speech. "Being a leader is not easy and instant, it takes patience and discipline, one of which is formed through this activity," said Tri. The key is to do it sincerely so that the benefits of this activity can be felt. "Intend this as a provision for you to be successful and future leaders so that no matter how hard this activity is, it will be fun," concluded Tri.
