Preparing Excellent Government Human Resources, IP Study Program Holds First Lecture for New Students

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 02:32 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, 20 September 2022. Welcoming the inaugural lecture in the odd semester of 2022/2023, the UMM Government Science Study Program (IP) held an inaugural lecture with the theme "Building Excellent, Creative, Innovative, Collaborative and Competitive Human Resources in Welcoming the 2045 Golden Indonesia". This event took place at the Sengkaling Convention Hall and was opened directly by the Dean of FISIP UMM, Prof. Muslimin Machmud, M.Si. In his remarks as well as the opening, Prof. Mus, as he is familiarly called, advised that IP students must be creative and able to adapt in the digital era. Many government programs are now using digital, therefore he advised students.

This inaugural lecture activity presented IP alumni who currently have careers in legislative institutions, namely H. Rokhmad, S.Sos as Deputy Chair of the Honorary Board (BK) of the Malang City DPRD or who is often called Ustadz Rokhmad. This event was attended by 148 new students from the class of 2022. This inaugural lecture also presented senior lecturers from the IP Study Program, namely Krishno Hadi, MA and Yana S. Hijri, S.IP., M.IP as moderators.

"As a person and a state official in Malang City, I am very happy to be given the mandate at the campus where I studied first," said the ustadz, Deputy Chair of the Malang City DPRD FPKS.

Ustadz Rokhmad on this occasion conveyed messages and inspiration to students to study diligently and join organizations as a provision for post-campus life. Meanwhile, Mr. Krish put more emphasis on the critical aspects that students must have. In the midst of the situation of the state and society facing an era of uncertainty, students must be critical and creative in facing the future, he concluded.
