Examining the Challenges and Opportunities of the Future of Government Science, UMM IP Study Program Holds an Inaugural Lecture with the Deputy Regent of Pacitan

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 10:49 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Wednesday, September 20 2023. The first lecture activity with the theme "Future Direction of Government Science: Responding to Challenges, Seizing Opportunities" was carried out by the UMM Government Science Study Program by presenting extraordinary speakers, namely Mr. Gagarin, S.Sos as Deputy Regent of the Regency Pacitan and Prof. Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si as Professor of the UMM Government Science Study Program. This activity was guided directly by the Head of the UMM Government Science Study Program, namely Mr. Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., M.A as moderator. In its implementation, the first lecture activity was attended by all UMM Government Science students from the classes of 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Mr. Gagarin said that he was very proud to be an alumni of the UMM Government Science Study Program. In their previous generation, Government Science students had the characteristics of being a generation that was tenacious, liked to collaborate, was very tolerant, and had great and extraordinary ambitions. These characteristics certainly differ from generation to generation as time goes by.

"Even though there are differences in generation and era, there are similarities between us, namely that we both study the science of government. "As long as this country still exists, Government Science will remain a fundamental science," said Mr. Gagarin to the students.

As someone who has been involved in the government sector for a long time and has had a lot of contact with the wider community, Mr. Gagarin conveyed a message to students not only to be fixated on the virtual world, but also to socialize a lot in the real world.

“No matter how busy it is, take the time to get to know the real world, the real social world. Understanding digitalization is indeed necessary, but understanding the social world in society is no less important, this is in order to implement the knowledge that has been learned in college. "My message is, don't just live in ivory pine, but also understand the condition of the surrounding community, because in the future we will all return and live there," said Mr. Gagarin.

After Mr. Gagarin's presentation, it was continued with a presentation by Prof. Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih. He said that basically government science is a multidisciplinary science, because it includes various other scientific disciplines, including social, economic, legal and so on.

"Government Science students can at least seize various opportunities in the future armed with competence and knowledge, including developing communication skills to build networks, improving analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as problem solving and negotiation skills," explained Prof Tri.

"Take a role in the movement of a progressive nation," was the final message conveyed by Prof. Tri. (van/roz)
