Malang, April 19, 2024 – According to the official letter from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Number 2546/E2/DT.01.00/2024 regarding the funding of the 2024 Student Creativity Program (PKM) in 8 fields, one team from the Public Administration Study Program (Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan) has been awarded funding for their PKM project in the PKM-Social-Humanities (RSH) field.
The team consists of three members: Muhammad Ihwan Salsabila as the team leader, Muhammad Alsafik Ruhunusa as member 1, and Erlangga Ikhwansyah as member 2. Their project is titled “Measuring the Interests of Industry or the Environment: An Analysis of the Conversion of Green Land in Batu City,” with guidance from Dr. Ali Roziqin, S.AP., MPA.
The reason for choosing this topic, according to Muhammad Ihwan Salsabila, is “The importance of policies that provide flexibility to entrepreneurs, especially coffee shops, to contribute to the economy and improve local welfare, while also preserving environmental sustainability.”
The team is overjoyed and expresses their gratitude to Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang for providing facilities and support to encourage students to always be creative. They also extend their thanks to the academic advisor and university reviewers who have supported them throughout the process.
“For those who have not yet received funding, don’t give up! Keep striving because there will be more opportunities in the future,” said Muhammad Alsafik Ruhunusa, member 1.
With great enthusiasm, the team is now working hard to ensure that their PKM RSH project progresses to the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) and brings honor to the Public Administration Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Keep up the spirit!