Strengthen the Implementation of COE, Departement Goverment Study Program Explores Cooperation with National and International Think Tank Institutions

Thursday, October 20, 2022 22:45 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, October 21, 2022. The IP Study Program is committed to carrying out the process of innovation and quality learning in order to create a golden generation for the Indonesian nation. In line with this goal, the Center of Excellence owned by the Study Program is expected to be able to contribute to creating a golden generation in the future. As we know that the IP study program already has a CoE called Political and Government Analyst in which there are two classes, namely the Political Analyst Class and the Village Government Class. A few days ago, two representatives of IP lecturers namely Ali Roziqin, M.PA and Yana S. Hijri, M.IP went to Jakarta to collaborate with two think tanks that have long been in the world of politics and government, namely CSIS (the Center for Strategic and International Studies) Indonesia and Perludem (Association for Elections and Democracy)

On the first occasion, the Departement Goverment study group met with senior researchers at CSIS, namely Vidhyandika Djati Perkasa, Ph.D and Arya Fernandes, M.IP. On that occasion, CSIS stated that it was open if there were universities who wanted to cooperate with the institution, including helping the development of CoE from UMM IP Study Program. According to them, political and government analysts' CoEs have good potential in the future, especially with the increasing public awareness in the political life of government, the presence of political and government analysts will provide a new color in analyzing political dynamics in society. According to one of the researchers, Vindya, CSIS would really hope that this collaboration would not only stop at the formal legal aspects but be concrete in the form of activities, especially the CoE development of the Government Science study program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

On the second occasion, it was with the Needdem activist, who happened to meet directly with the Executive Director, Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati, M.IP. In the casually packed chat, Ninis was greeted by the Executive Director of Perludem that previously between UMM IP Study Program and Needdem had had a collaboration, but over time, the duration of the collaboration had expired. Therefore, this momentum is important to continue the collaboration and preparation of joint activities between the departement Goverment Study Program and Needdem. Specifically commenting on the CoE program which is the mission of the UMM Departement Goverment study program group. Ninis stated that she was ready to help and willing in the process of preparing the design as well as being a practitioner who would give her experience to students.

On another occasion, Muhammad Kamil as the Head of UMM Departement Goverment Study Program added "Hopefully what we do by collaborating with think tanks can give a new color for the implementation of CoE of UMM Departement Goverment Study Program", he concluded.
