UMM Government Science Study Program Students Conduct Study Visit to Malang City DPRD

Wednesday, June 14, 2023 03:33 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, June 14, 2023. Students of the UMM Government Science Study Program conducted a Study Visit to the Malang City DPRD, which was guided by the UMM Government Science Laboratory Team and accompanied directly by Mr. Ali Roziqin, S.A.P., MPA as a lecturer and Head of the UMM Government Science Study Program Laboratory. This activity is part of the practicum assessment of the Legislative Process course which is attended by all 2020 students.

The Study Visit this time began with visiting the Malang City DPRD building to find out the activities inside, then continued by participating in official hearings in the Plenary Session Building. The hearing activity was accompanied directly by Mr. H. Rokhmad, S.Sos as a commission member at the Malang City DPRD from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction. He delivered material about the decision-making mechanism in the legislative sphere. In addition, when the audience took place Mr. Rokhmad welcomed very well the presence of UMM Government Science Study Program students.

During the Study Visit activity at the Malang City DPRD, students showed very high enthusiasm to be able to learn, discuss and exchange ideas with Mr. Rokhmad as a speaker and board member.
