Government Research Internship, Helping Government and Society

Friday, August 02, 2013 11:17 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

The Department of Government Science, FISIP UMM, has once again organized a research internship program. The 2012 research internship marks the third iteration of this program, following its launch in 2010 and 2011. The concept of the 2012 internship remains consistent with previous years. Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si., Head of the Government Science program, stated, "The concept of the research internship is the same as before; however, this year, the program has been expanded. Previously (2010 and 2011), students focused on overseeing programs such as Raskin (Rice for the Poor), grant funds, and PNPM. In 2012, three additional programs were included: Family Planning Services, Strengthening Village Governance Institutions in Malang City, and Mapping the Profiles of Villages in Malang City. These programs are carried out under the guidance of the Malang City Agency for Family Planning and Community Empowerment (BKBPM)," she explained.

In addition to running these programs, in 2012, students were also placed in the Regional Election Commission (KPUD) of Malang City and the National Mandate Party (PAN) Faction of the Malang City Council (DPRD). Drs. Jainuri, M.Si., internship supervisor, explained, "We intentionally place students at the KPUD and DPRD factions because these two institutions are highly relevant to the study of government science. At the KPUD Malang, students can participate in activities such as party verification, mapping political party strengths, and political management for regional elections. Meanwhile, at the faction, students can engage in activities like discussing regional regulations and identifying community aspirations," explained the Government Science lecturer.

The research internship, involving 54 students, was officially launched on October 20, 2012, at the BKBPM Malang City. The launch was warmly welcomed by the Head of BKBPM, who expressed hopes that the Government Science students from UMM could contribute to implementing BKBPM’s programs effectively. The head of BKBPM stated, "In principle, we warmly welcome UMM Government Science students to intern with us. I ask all BKBPM staff to welcome the students cordially and request that students adhere to the workplace regulations here," she said, addressing the interns.
