Again, FISIP UMM Makes a Smart Breakthrough

Tuesday, November 30, 2021 00:52 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan


FISIP UMM breakthrough to increase students' writing competence. (Photo: Special)

Malang- Another breakthrough was carried out by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. With tireless efforts to continue to improve the progress of FISIP through the slogan FISIP Progress, various breakthroughs are continuously being made. The latest is the Scientific Article Conversion Program policy in the final project/thesis. This program aims to increase the Timely Graduation (KTW) of FISIP UMM students by providing the opportunity to convert scientific articles published in Sinta 1-6 National Accredited Journals, Reputable International Journals, and Proceedings (Scopus, WoS, Ebsco, Copernicus). This conversion has a weighted value from A-B for all categories of scientific articles that are adjusted to the reputation level of the journal and the proceedings of the published article. Scientific papers in the form of journals and proceedings are considered worthy of being equated with theses because they have gone through a series of rigorous scientific processes. It is carried out with serious research with sharp analysis and has gone through a review process by a strict journal/proceeding manager so that the quality is adequate, almost the same as a thesis. Dr. Salahudin, S.IP., M.Si As the Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs FISIP UMM stated that the Faculty under the leadership of Dr. Muslimin Machmud, M.Si has the task of translating the vision of the University to increase students' timely graduation while still paying attention to the quality and quality of their final assignments. Journals and proceedings have, of course, met these criteria because the process has gone through rigorous research, analysis, and review. In addition to providing an alternative for students, this program also increases the number of publications of FISIP UMM so that it becomes one of the research centers in Indonesia.

Furthermore, the obligation to include lecturers for students in the article will not only facilitate journal work because there is direct assistance but will also indirectly motivate lecturers to continue writing. Because Udin said, his nickname is a measure of a lecturer's reputation in scientific work. We hope that this program can bring the progress of FISIP UMM in the future, "he concluded.
