IP Lab Holds Community Empowerment Practicum Webinar through SMEs and Creative Economy during a Pandemic

Friday, May 22, 2020 15:14 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Webinar on Community Empowerment through SMEs and the Creative Economy in the Midst of a Pandemic. (Photo: Special)

Malang, May 21, 2020. The Laboratory of Government Science Study Program successfully held the 3rd webinar titled Community Empowerment through SMEs and Creative Economy during a Pandemic. This webinar was moderated directly by the Secretary of the Government Science Study Program Ach, Apriyanto Romadhon, M.Si, and presented two speakers, Puspita Ayuningtyas Prawesti, MPP as the Surabaya City Development Planning Agency and Abdus Salam As'ad, M.Sc. The first resource person gave the material into three sub-discussions: what the Surabaya City government had done before the pandemic, what would be done when the pandemic occurred, and finally, the strategy for post-pandemic economic recovery. The creative industry is considered a solution to revive the community's economy after the pandemic. Meanwhile, Abdus Salam As'ad, M.Si focuses more on community empowerment, especially marginalized communities. The empowerment process should not be short-term but can be sustainable.
