IP Lab Holds Covid-19 and Mental Health Webinar

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 06:01 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Ngupination Information: Covid-19 and Mental Health Issues. (Photo: Special)

Malang, 22 Juni. Lab IP menggelar webinar bertajuk Covid-19 dan Kesehatan Jiwa. Acara ini dipandu langsung oleh Ka. Unfortunately, on June 22. IP Lab held a webinar entitled Covid-19 and Mental Health. This event was guided directly by Ka. Labs. Government Science, namely Mr. Yana, S. Hijri and attended by three speakers, namely Zakaria Achmad S.Psi., M.Si; Dr. Joko Widodo, M.Si, and S. Qoris Fadlullah A. S. Kep. The three speakers agreed that the news about Covid-19 in the media caused mental disorders to people suspected of being Covid-19 patients. Social stigma and pressure given by the surrounding environment impact the patient's psychology, so this interferes with the healing process of the disease. A social environment that does not support the patient will undoubtedly make a person's immunity low. In addition, according to Mr. Zakariya, the act of locking or self-isolation for too long is also not good for mental health.

Yana Syafrieyana and Zakaria Achmad. (Photo: Special)

Furthermore, the three speakers agreed that the public does not need to bully and panic if a friend or relative is suspected of being infected with a Covid-19 case but adheres to health protocols and provides social support. This is important to increase self-confidence and help psychologically to recover from Covid-19.
