COE Class: Learning BUMDES with Experienced Practitioners

Wednesday, April 12, 2023 03:14 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, April 12 2023, led by Mr. Fathul Yadi, S,Pd, M.M. as the presenter and teacher in the Village Government class Center Of Excellent To equip students with the bureaucratic challenges of Village development which are still considered low in HR but require solid quality HR so that service in the village is highly integrated which must be passed in the Village Government class to answer the future challenges of your government Fathul Yadi gave material on "Preparation for Establishing Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes)". Of the many villages in Indonesia, we therefore need human resources who are literate about development creativity in villages, because since December 27 2019 President Jokowi has glared at 27 thousand Bumdes because they are not competent in Bumdes management, especially in the early era of Covid-19, therefore Bumdes and creative human resources are needed in economic development in Indonesia.

In this lecture, Mr. Fathul Yadi explained the various dynamics of challenges to the village economy, as well as the big challenge, namely regarding empty human resources in the Bumdes business so that the trillions of funds that the government spends are null and void, the wrong principle of human resources in the village according to Mr. Fathul Yadi is wrong one thing is, "The main thing is running a business, without knowing the knowledge", Opening a business just follows trends and bad management plus bad human resources and planning that is also weak. Therefore, there is a lot of homework that must be done by the village government to carry out bureaucratic reform in village management, especially education regarding how to manage Bumdes in a good and structured manner.

With so many explanations from Mr. Fathuk Yadi, interesting and systematic explanations get positive euphoria in terms of material delivery and bring enthusiasm to learning for students for the material presented which is very structured explained in detail in this Village Government class.
