Strategic Policies and Community Participation, COVID-19 Handling Efforts

Monday, April 27, 2020 19:48 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Webinar "The Urgency of Coordination in the Choice of Policies for Handling Covid-19 in City Governments". (Photo: Special)

Malang, April 25, 2020. During a pandemic situation that is still happening in Indonesia. IP Study Program as an academic community continues to hold scientific activities to provide knowledge to the public. The first series of discussions was held online with the theme "The Urgency of Coordination in Policy Choices for Handling Covid-19 in the City Government. The discussion, which Achmad Apriyanto R, M.Si, moderated, presented virtually a senior lecturer in the UMM Government Science study program, Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M. Si, and practitioner Heru Mulyono, MT. In the discussion, both of them criticized the initial steps of the central Government, which were less responsive to this problem.

Moreover, the coordination between agencies was less effective, so the process also impacted the increasing number of Covid-19 cases. In Indonesia, Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih provides an analysis that all government institutions must unite and implement strategic policy measures such as regional quarantine, prohibition of going home, and providing social assistance to vulnerable communities. At the same time, Heru Mulyono MT focuses more on the local level, where the community does not fully understand. It is full of meaning from several terms issued by the Government, such as physical distancing, social distancing, lockdown, and PSBB. Unfortunately, there are still many people who lack discipline and do not heed the directions given by the Government. So that this also contributes to the spread of Covid-19 cases, which continues to this day.
