Senior lecturer of IP Study Program, Dr. Tri Sulistyanigsih, M.Si, led the FGD entitled "Integration Between Institutions in Developing Community Development-Based Agro Tourism" in Payan Hamlet, Punten Village, Bumiaji District (9/8). This FGD was held as a follow-up to Ristek Dikti's External Service which has entered its third year. The goal is to explore and evaluate the implementation of the program that has been running for two years. This third year is focused on the program for establishing tourist villages. Thus, it is hoped that it can also empower the Lancar Jaya farmer group.
The Community Service Team consists of academics from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang and Widya Gama University Malang. From the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, namely Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si as Team Leader, Drs. Jainuri, M.Si, and Hevi Kurnia Hardini, MA.Gov. Meanwhile, from Widya Gama University Malang represented by Dr. Purnawan D. Negara, MH. The participants of this FGD are Supervisors, Administrators, and Members of the Lancar Jaya Farmer Group. This FGD was also attended by the Head of Bumiaji District, Aditya Prasadja, S.STP, M.AP, who also participated in the discussion in this activity. Thus, this FGD is also a form of consolidation between the various stakeholders involved. Starting from the target community, government institutions (Bumiaji District), and also the Community Service Team from the University.
The result of this FGD was the agreement on a plan to create a tourism village based on potential. Punten Village has the potential to be developed into a tourism village. The potentials are orange picking tourism, organic fertilizer production, and also rabbit farming. The potential of Punten Village will also be concentrated on the development of conservation areas and educational tourism. Of course, to realize the Punten tourism village requires adequate infrastructure, facilities and infrastructure. For that, this FGD is a network of aspirations to accommodate and bring together what is desired between the target group and the service team.