HIMAP (Government Science Student Association) Rasendriya Cabinet 2021/2022 UMM Holds Open Recruitment

Monday, March 01, 2021 15:01 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Thursday - Friday (25-26/2) Government Student Association (HIMAP) UMM conducted open recruitment in the Government Science Study Program fields. A total of more than 30 participants registered for this open recruitment (oprec) activity which consisted of the 20th batch of Government Science Study Program students. This oprec activity was aimed at recruiting and regenerating the new UMM Himap management. The ranks of the formators Rizky Juda Putra Hidayat directly mentored as general chairman also took part in overseeing the open recruitment activities this time.

HIMAP Oprec Process in 2021. (Photo: Special)

In the process, there are several stages in the oprec activity this time, starting with the registrant having to submit a CV to the oprec committee to verify personal data and then screening (online interview) through the google meeting platform. The results are for the permanent management who passed through the oprec, Jasminne Fridayanti Putri Safrida, Laihatul Indra Sari, Yasthinki Hasni Ivani, Ahlul Firdaus, Alzenna Firyal Yusandhi in the field of Public Relations (Humas). Nur Choliza Iskandar, Nurdzakya Maesaroh Santosa, Andi Muayyad Firkah Anji, Edo Navally Rizky as Social Affairs (Sosma). Brahmannea Kharizma Azra Baihaqie, Septianingrum, Vani Rizka Fatmala as the field of Education and Reasoning (Pillars). Stevania halim, Aisyah Firanti Setyaningrum, Pradana Prasetya Atmaja, Rahma Winny Indahsari in the field of Cultural Arts and Sports (Sbk). Muhammad Sa'dudin, Sri Husda Yani, Chess Yubi Virginia Cahya Ningrum in Entrepreneurship (Kwu). Congratulations to the newly elected permanent members. Hopefully, he will become an agent of change who can bring HIMAP UMM more advanced.
