Great, All the Best Graduates of FISIP UMM from IP

Friday, March 11, 2022 08:49 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

The brilliant achievement that gave happiness to the whole big family of UMM Malang Government Science was back. This time in the Judiciary of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UMM Malang period 1 2022 held on March 11, 2022, at the Basement Dome UMM, IP UMM achieved the best 1,2,3 graduates. They are Zainul Rahman with a GPA of 3.95 (Best I), Laily Ainur Rahman with a GPA of 3.93 (Best II) and Puji Susilo Asih with a GPA of 3.89 (Best III). Moreover, the three of them graduated very quickly, namely three years and four months for Zainul Rahman and Puji Susilo Asih and 3.6 months for Laili. Moreover, all three graduated because they succeeded in publishing articles in the national journal SINTA 3, which could be converted as a substitute for the thesis.

The Best Graduates of FISIP UMM for the 1st Period of 2022. (Photo: Special)

Amazingly, all three of them are active students in many organizations and have a myriad of other academic achievements. Zainul Rahman is a student from Dompu West Nusa Tenggara who was an administrator at the Government Science Student Association (HIMAP) for the 2019-2020 period. In addition, Zainul is currently an active cadre in the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) FISIP UMM. Zainul also has an excellent academic reputation. In addition to having a perfect GPA, Zainul is also very productive in writing scientific journals and popular opinions. In 2020 Zainul won the Best Presenter in the National Symposium organized by the Muhammadiyah Higher Education Government Science Association (AIPPTM).

Furthermore, Laily was listed as the general chairman of the Senate of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UMM for the 2020-2021 Period, the Cadre of the Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) Commisratiat of FISIP UMM to date, and also the Campus Ambassador in 2019. Born in Lamongan, East Java, this woman also has a track record of outstanding academic achievements. For example, by writing popular opinions in print and online media, articles in national scientific journals, and winning scientific debate competitions at the university level. Meanwhile, Puji Susilo Asih also had a similar achievement with the two themes. Furthermore, this woman, born in Banyuwangi, East Java, was recorded as an administrator of HIMAP for the 2019-202 period. He is still active in the Banyuwangi Student Association (IWANGI) and the Islamic Student Association (HMI) FISIP UMM Commissariat.

The three of them share tips so that academic life goes well. One of the keys is being active in many organizations. When organized, students will be able to improvise their public speaking skills and train their reasoning to be very helpful in debating competitions and writing opinions and journals. Furthermore, all three emphasize the key of time management so that their activities can run mutually supportive. And which is also very important to follow the direction and guidance of IP UMM lecturers, who are very patient and total for student progress.

After this, the three had different plans. Zainul Rahman will continue his master's studies to become a lecturer. Laily will develop a coffee business that is currently overgrowing. Puji will return to his area to work in a state-owned company.
