Lecturer of Government Science Study Program Presents Research Results at International Workshop Power, Conflict, and Democracy (IW-PCD)

Tuesday, October 02, 2018 11:18 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Lecturer of Government Science Study Program, Listiana Asworo, had the opportunity to present her research results at the International Workshop Power, Conflict, and Democracy (IW-PCD) held in Yogyakarta (26-28/09). This event was a collaboration between Universitas Gadjah Mada and the University of Oslo, Norway. With the theme "Reflection on 20 Years of Reform in Indonesia", this event presented invited speakers from various countries and institutions, including Olle Tornquist (University of Oslo, Norway), Kristian Stokke (University of Oslo, Norway), Stale Angen Rye (NTNU, Norway), Gerry van Klinken (KITLV, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Max Lane (University of Melbourne, Australia), Nicolaas Waraouw (University of New South Wales), Cornelius Lay (University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta), and other Indonesianists.

IW-PCD participants, including Lecturer Listiana, were given the opportunity to present their research entitled “Multiculturalism in Indonesia: An Utopia? FPI, Floating State, and The Absence of Public”. The argument that they wanted to convey in the forum was that Multiculturalism that was to be upheld with legal-formal reasoning was ineffective. This happened because the prerequisites that had to be met were not understood by the state, namely the transcendental and neutral state, and the sense of public. The state that should be neutral and transcendental was actually “playing” with vigilante groups. This was also exacerbated by the absence of society in public spaces. Society was not aware of their rights and obligations as citizens. The study conducted by Lecturer Listiana received responses from various groups, including Gerry van Klinken who said that the study of multiculturalism in Indonesia was interesting to examine, because it was different from other multicultural countries, which had very high roots of conflict. Indonesia also has the potential for conflict, but for him it was only sparks and did not explode. Why didn't it explode? That's what interested him.

The researches that have been presented in this forum will be followed up as articles in the journal Power, Conflict, and Democracy with the theme Reflection of 20 Years of Reformation in Indonesia. Of course, by considering the inputs from the reviewers. This is an opportunity or chance to bring the name of the Government Science Study Program, UMM, to the global arena.
