The End Periode of Student Exchange, Depatment of Governmental Science Releases Student from COLA-Khon Kaen Uiversity, Thailand

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 11:07 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, March 18 2020. The end of the exchange of students from COLA (Local Administration College) -Product of Government Science UMM. Party 18 expels these students back to their home country. Actually, this student exchange time ends faster because of the anticipation of the corona virus that is epidemic. Improving his return must be accelerated. In his remarks Dr. Rinikso Kartono, M.Si said "Very proud and happy to thank you for agreeing to this program," said the Dean of FISIP. The Dean had a special personality. Besides, what they got while at UMM could be their provisions in the future. Some lecturers and representatives were present to release the 18 students. While from the Secretary of the Department of Governmental Science UMM was received back to the country of origin, hopefully what was obtained while at UMM could be told by the younger siblings of the class and this collaboration would be continued going forward. Some representatives from Thai students namely Chutima Singmon, Nuttapol Letrisakulchai, Phateera Kueantan, and Rossukon Sartaek expressed their gratitude to all of staff the Deans (faculty), Government Science Study Program and teaching staff and staff in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. In addition, they are also very impressive with differences such as culture, food, academic culture and the las statement, they are very impressed with friends who have helped and equaled while in Malang and Muhammadiyah University of Malang.
