UMM IP Study Program Students Review TikTok Shop Policy Through Debate's Community Forum

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 17:30 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, October 11 2023. The UMM Government Science Student Association (HIMAP) again held discussion activities through the Debate's Community forum for the third time. This activity, which is routinely carried out once a week, is carried out in order to maintain students' critical reasoning. The discussion activity was attended by Government Science students from the class of 2022 and 2023, and was guided directly by the lecturer, namely Mr. Ach. Apriyanto Romadhan, S.IP., M.Si.

Those who acted as discussion starters were two groups of presenters from the class of 2022, totaling 8 people each in each group. The theme discussed in this discussion is entitled "Tiktok Shop Policy Polemic: Between Economic Protection VS Economic Growth". This theme is in accordance with actual issues that are being widely discussed at the moment.

The meeting, which examined the polemic regarding the ban on online sales at the TikTok Shop, took the form of a two-way discussion and communication activity between the fans and the audience. In this forum, the lighter conveys arguments which will then be discussed.

“The polemic about the TikTok Shop policy reflects the debate between economic growth and economic progress. On the one hand, this can be a powerful tool to encourage economic growth because it provides a platform for MSMEs to promote their products in order to gain access to a wider market. "On the other hand, there are risks that hamper the growth of some smaller or less well-known MSMEs," said the lighter.

Through this discussion, arguments emerged from students, that by understanding and wisely managing this debate, the solution is that the government and MSME players can work together to maximize the economic benefits of TikTok Shop while maintaining overall economic stability and sustainability. (van/roz)
