Batu, February 7, 2025 The Student Association of the Government Science Study Program (HIMAP) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) successfully held the Government Explore School 2025 activity at SMA Islam Batu. This activity was attended by 15 student representatives with the theme "Beyond The Textbook: Exploring the Dynamic World of Government with UMM Government Science."
The main objective of this activity is to provide insight to SMA Islam Batu students regarding the Government Science major so that they are interested in continuing their studies in the UMM Government Science Study Program after graduating.
The event was opened with a presentation about the University of Muhammadiyah Malang by Berliana and Kak Arif Abid. They explained various information about UMM, starting from the campus profile, leadership profile, to the excellent programs it has. In addition, they also conveyed various scholarship schemes that can be utilized by new students when joining UMM.
To lighten the atmosphere, the ice breaking session was guided by Evan, which made the atmosphere more relaxed and interactive. After that, Mrs. Umi Kulsum, S.IP., M.IP., gave a presentation about the UMM Government Science Study Program. She explained that the lecture environment in this study program creates healthy communication between lecturers and students. "So it is not surprising that lecturers and students are close and intimate, but still prioritize politeness," she said. In addition, she also explained about the courses, job prospects for graduates, the number of credits that must be taken, the Center of Excellence (COE), and various student achievements.
In addition to the presentation of the material, the event was also enlivened by a best comment session on the YouTube post of the UMM Government Science Study Program. Continued with a quiz and question and answer (QnA) session hosted by Efristia Miftahul Nur Azizah and Mrs. Umi Kulsum directly.
One of the most interesting moments was when a student named Wahyu gave a creative invitation to join the UMM Government Science Study Program by saying, "Jellyfish catfish, IP UMM one and only le." The statement was greeted with laughter and enthusiasm from all participants.
The event was then closed with a group photo session as a souvenir. The Government Explore School 2025 activity is expected to provide a clearer picture of the world of government and build students' enthusiasm to continue their studies in the UMM Government Science Study Program.