Strengthening MBKM, UMM IP Lecturers attend the AIPPTM Workshop

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 05:46 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

The happiness of all workshop participants in a group photo session. (Photo: Special)

Tuesday, December 21, 2021, at the Muhammadiyah University of Cirebon, Representing the Government Science Study Program, six study program lecturers participated in the Curriculum Workshop, Writing Chapter Books and Scientific Articles organized by the Association of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Government Sciences (AIPPTM). This activity lasted for two days, namely 21-22 December 202.

The six lecturers participated in several activities. Ah. Apriyanto Romadhan (Secretary of Study Program) and Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si, the Chair of AIPPTM, attended a workshop on preparing the OBE-based MBKM curriculum. Dr. Saiman, M.Si, Dr. Asep Nurjaman, M.Si, Syafrieyana, S.IP., M.IP and Ali Roziqin, S.PA., M.PA attended a workshop on the preparation of Book Chapters and Scientific Articles.

Study program participation in this activity is part of the study program activity plan to support the achievement of the leading indicators in the field of education set out in the operational goals of universities, faculties, and study programs. This activity is also part of improving the governance of IP study programs throughout Muhammadiyah and improving academic quality.

This workshop aims to align the Outcome-Based Education (OBE)- Merdeka Learn Independent Campus (MBKM) curriculum and improve lecturers' writing skills in facing the challenges of the Merdeka Campus. Ah. Apriyanto Romadhan as Secretary of UMM IP Study Program, emphasized that Merdeka Campus demands curriculum adaptation because there has been a fundamental and drastic change in the learning model. This workshop aims to equalize perceptions and at the same time formulate a curriculum model based on OBE-MBKM, so it is essential to do this," said Apriyanto.

Furthermore, the independent campus also requires lecturers to have creative and innovative writing skills. In addition to showing one's reputation as a lecturer, which embodies one of the three dharmas of higher education, namely, research, writing competence is expected to be transmitted to students.

“This workshop also provides training and refresher for IP lecturers related to writing. So far, the writing culture at IP UMM is extraordinary. Many IP lecturers and students have written in scientific articles in journals and proceedings published in reputable international journals such as Scopus and Web Of Science (WoS) and are nationally accredited. This is also thanks to the intensive collaboration between lecturers and students. In the future, we will continue to improve it so that we need to participate in workshops that upgrade the abilities of lecturers, especially in writing books. We hope that after this activity, the publication of both journals and books in our study programs will increase," closed Apriyanto.

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