Malang, January 24, 2025 proud news came again from alumni of the Government Science Study Program. A total of 15 alumni passed the 2024 CPNS selection. The alumni who passed the selection were in various government agencies, both regional and central levels in Indonesia.
The success of these alumni is real evidence that the quality of education in the UMM Government Science Study Program continues to produce superior and competent human resources. The Head of the Government Science Study Program, Mr. Muhammad Kamil S.IP., MA, expressed his pride in the achievements of the alumni.
"This success shows that the curriculum we implement is able to prepare students to face challenges in the world of work. Hopefully, the alumni can carry out their duties well and responsibly and provide the best contribution to society."
The alumni who passed the selection were placed in various strategic positions such as government administration administrators, government assistants, government administration sections, to functional positions in ministries and local governments. One of the alumni who successfully passed, Fajri Alamsyah S.IP, admitted that he was grateful for his achievement.
"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all lecturers in the UMM Government Science Study Program who have guided me during my studies. The knowledge I have gained is very relevant to the needs in the field, especially in facing this CPNS selection." Said Fajri Alamsyah S.IP
With this success, the alumni who passed the 2024 CPNS selection show that the Government Science Study Program produces graduates who excel academically and are able to compete in the professional world.